๐ŸŽซInside the Ticket

Actions you can perform inside a ticket

Ticket Messages

This is a new feature & one of my favorite. Sometimes you have messages you repeat over & over to ticket applicants, like maybe (on a basic scale) "Here is Clan A, and this is the link to join it..." Well, now you can automate that, and it supports replacement conventions! Here are the available options:

Replacement Convention Options
  • {ticket_count}

  • {ticket_status}

  • {ticket_emoji_status}

  • {ticket_channel_mention}

  • {user_name}

  • {user_mention}

  • {server_name}

  • {server_member_count}

  • {account_name}

  • {account_th}

  • {account_heroes}

  • {clan_name}

  • {clan_level}

  • {clan_badge_emoji}

  • {clan_link}

  • {clan_location}

  • {clan_member_count}

  • {clan_leader}

  • {clan_leader_mention}

  • {clan_tag}

  • {clan_war_league}

  • {clan_capital_league}

The replacement conventions with "clan" in the name, will require the "Set Clan" button to be used, so it knows what clan it is dealing with

Last updated