Frequently Asked Questions

Why do some stats not show up accurately (or at all) in their commands?

ClashKing can only get this info if the clan is tracked, which can be done by linking a clan to a server with /addclan. This is because this info is not given by the API and it's not feasible or possible to track millions of clans arbitrarily (for more detailed things at least).

What does last online & activity check do?

check for changes in the following to detect when a player was last online:

  • name change

  • attack win

  • raid attack

  • clan capital donation

  • war attack

  • cc donation

  • war star gain

  • war preference change

  • obstacle removed

  • builder base trophy change

  • gold pass points earned

  • clan games points earned

  • gold, elixir, or DE looted

Each tracking period (approx 3 mins) that one of these is found, +1 is added to activity score

The bot's emoji's aren't working?

The server @/everyone role has to have the β€œuse external emojis” permission.

The bot isn’t sending anything for my feed or log?
  • Use /setup list and confirm it is (still) set up

  • Give it some time, up to 10 minutes after an event has happened in game - due to looping and api cache times (especially on the first time a clan has been set up)

  • Check your channel/bot permissions, especially if you did not give ClashKing admin. If you did not give the bot admin privileges, we do not provide support to fix your permissions.

The legend stats are wrong?

Well it depends - It helps to understand deeper how this bot works. As mentioned above, there can be errors because the api doesn’t directly give legends stats. This bot works by checking player's trophies non-stop. If the trophies go up, it’s an attack. If they go down, it’s a defense. Sounds good, except, the api doesn’t update immediately - it can take up to 5 minutes. In those few minutes, the trophies (how we’re checking hits/defenses) could change in a few ways that can trip up the bot. 1. Two attacks in a short time frame - in this case you will see stats like +68. That’s 2 hits, and it’s 100% accurate for all intents & purposes. 2. Two defenses happen at same time, same as above but something like -68. 3. Where we can get some inaccuracy, a defense & attack happen at same time. You may get something like +4, if a +30 attack and -26 defense happen at same time. Always- the net gain/loss for the day will be accurate.

Can the bot show where Capital Gold was donated?

No, the API does not provide this information for ClashKing to be able to share

Last updated