โซRoles (TH & More)

Outside of just plain 'ol clan roles, there is sooo much more that can be evaled.The following types are available:


Roles that are added to all members of the discord family (see Server Setups)

Non Family

Roles that are added to all members not a part of the discord family (see Server Setups)


/roles townhall

Roles given based on a player's townhall level(s)


/roles builderhall

Roles given based on a player's builder base level(s)


/roles league

Roles given based on a player's trophy league

Builder League

/roles builder-league

Roles given based on a player's Builder Base trophy league


/roles achievements

Includes roles for donations such as having 25000+ donations or being the top donator in the family (this or last season)


/roles category

Choose a specific role for players in a clan set as General, War or Esport (see Add a Clan).

Manage roles

List of roles

See which roles are set with /roles list

Type of members

Set type of server members who will get the roles you set with/roles family {type} {add} {remove}

Remove roles

/roles remove

Get longevity of a role

/roles status tells you when you set a role.

Last updated