๐Ÿ›๏ธClan Commands

The are a selection of commands to view a clan giving different statistics and data, you wont remember them all but the ones you'll need will stick with you.

/clan activity {clan} {season} {townhall} {limit} {sort_by} {sort_order}

Shows a leaderboard of players activity with last seen date and a graph with additions of all the players activity. The graphs will be reworked soon.

/clan capital {clan} {weekend}

Show a complete overview of the last raid weekend .

/clan compo {clan} {type}

This command can show stats about the members of a clan :

  • By townhalls

  • By trophies

  • By country (if set in user profile)

  • By roles

  • By league

/clan donations {clan} {season} {townhall} {limit} {sort_by} {sort_order}
/clan games {clan} {season} {townhall} {limit} {sort_by} {sort_order}
/clan overview {type}

Show a complete overview of a clan.

/clan progress {clan} {type}

Shows progress for the current season or different when selected in {season}. Number of results can also be altered in {limit} .Below shows the different {types} .

/clan sorted {clan} {sort_by}

Show members of a clan sorted by a specific attribute. There is too many so I'll let you discover it in your server directly !

Example for members sorted by attacks won :

/clan summary {clan} {season} {limit}

Shows a leaderboard of the clan best players for loot, activity, trophies, donations, raids and war stars.

/clan war-log {clan} {option} {limit}

Show the results of the last wars :

/clan war-preference {clan} {option}

{option} allows you to see when was the last time a member participated in a war and when did they change their war status for the last time.

Last updated