โš’๏ธManage rosters & more

Here is what you'll find on this page:

Clear or delete a roster

List the rosters

Roster refresh

Roster roles

Export/Import rosters

Player search

Clear or delete a roster

The command

/roster delete

The parameters

  • roster: name of the roster

  • type : Choose between Clear Members so you can reuse the roster or Delete roster to delete completely the roster

A roster that have been deleted can't be recover so be careful

Roster refresh

The command

/roster refresh refresh data displayed in the roster

List the rosters

Show a list of every rosters active on the server.

The command

Use /roster list

Roster roles

Roster roles are a great utility and do exactly as you expect, give a role to all people in a roster. You can asign a role to a roster by doing /roster role {roster} {role}. Note the role must be created before hand

If the roles haven't updated then you can force update them using /roster role-refresh

The command

Use /roster role

The parameters


  • roster: name of the roster

  • role: role you want to set to the players in the roster


  • group: only set the role to the players in a specific role

  • remove_role: If you want to remove the role instead of adding it

Export/Import rosters

Do not fear, you do not have to remake rosters settings for every roster.

The command

/roster copy

The parameters

The command is your friend with the two optional flags::

  • export_roster : Gives an import code that can be inputted into the {import_code} flag in order to copy over the roster settings

  • import_code : gives a field to enter an import code retrieved from {export_roster}

You are able to search for a list of rosters that a discord user or specific account.

The command

Use /roster search

The parameters

  • user : Discord username. Displays all the rosters the user is currently in.

  • player:Player tag or name. Displays all the rosters the player is currently in.

Last updated