
/legends search {player}

Probably the best command for players in legend league. It shows you various stats of your legend league profile.

On the bottom of the embed that will be display, you have several buttons :

The Today button, which is the default view, will show you the number of attacks/defenses, the trophies you have gain/loose, the global ranking and by country, the trophies by attack and defense, the heros equipment used and an image will be generated to sum this up.

Last button will add the profile to Quick Check & Daily Report list (no use at the moment).

/legends clan {clan}

It will show the trophies of all the players in legend in a clan.

/legends stats {type}

This shows basic stats about the legend league :

  • The EOS finishers of each seasons since May 2020

  • The current rank cutoffs

  • The current trophy buckets

  • The EOS Finishers for the since May 2020

/legends history {player}

This shows the EOS trophies of a player since it was first followed by the bot.

/legends poster

This send the image that is display in /legends search

Last updated