๐Ÿ“„Log Setup

One Command To Set Them All - /setup logs

Yup! to set up any of the logs, all you need is /setup logs. All you need to fill in is the clan field with the clan you want to set some logs up for and the mode -> Add/Edit or Remove.

The channel field on any of the setup commands is optional. If you don't set a specific channel, ClashKing will use the channel the command was run in! The more you know :)

Log Types

Note these options will be slightly different in the command, i.e Join/Leave Log is actually 2 logs. You can choose to set up either or both.

Clan Capital Log

Logs all clan capital donations & raids. It cannot show where the gold was donated unfortunately (not given by the API).

Join/Leave Log

Log of Clan Member Joins & Leaves

A unique feature of this Join/Leave log is that it shows where the player goes after they leave. Helpful if you need to see if a member moved to another family clan or maybe went to a rival?!

War Log/Panel

Shows War Start, End, Prep, Attacks, & Missed Hits along with a Result Overview. Panel sends one message and then updates it as the war goes along. Log sends a message for every attack and event in the war.

Legend Log

Log of each legend attack & defense done in your clan

Clan Log

Log of clan member upgrades (spell, hero, pet, troop, sieges & TH) along with Name & Trophy League Changes

Donation Log

Log of donations given & received in the clan. It cannot show which troops were donated (not given by API)

The logs update approximately every 5-10 minutes. This value may go down in the future but is never significantly higher.

If you are curious what these logs look like, they are all on demo in the support server.

To Remove Logs - /set log remove

Last updated