โ†”๏ธManage players

If you want to modify the content of a roster without using a Signup, then you can use commands to move players.

Add a player

/roster add-player {roster} {player}

This is an easy way to add a single person onto a roster. The optional flag {sub} will just display them as a sub upon viewing.

Move or remove a player

/roster move-player {roster}

Allows you to move a player between two roster or to remove them.

Ping missing members

/roster missing {roster} {message} {reverse}

Show the list of members that are in a roster but are not currently in the clan.

  • {message} allows you to set a message that will be displayif you click on the "Ping Missing" button

  • {reverse}, if set to true, will make a list of people who are in the clan but not in the roster.

Last updated