โš”๏ธCreate a roster

Roster a super useful tool to use for tournament events, regular wars and CWL. They can feel a bit overwhelming but take your time and it will be worth it.

To begin simply use /roster create {clan} {roster_alias}


It will choose what clan the roster is linked to (effects commands later)


It will pick the display name when viewing the roster such as 'Clan1 CWL'


It will simply add all clan members automatically

Basic roster upkeep

All use the {roster} flag for the name

Useful commands

  • /roster post displays the roster in an embed

  • /roster clear removes all members that have been added useful for reusing roster setups

  • /roster refresh refresh data displayed in the roster

  • /roster change link {roster} {clan} can change which roster a clan is linked to {clan} refers to the clan the roster is changing to.

Using /roster delete will completely delete a roster and you will lose all settings setup forever

Last updated